Friday, May 17, 2019

Find gmail account of anyone for free

Find gmail account of your girl friend,employer,friend,anyone for free (100%working):

In this post we will see how to get gmail account of anyone for free using chrome extensions name2email by Reply and  linkedin sales navigator.
(linkedin sales navigator is useful only if the victim has a linkedin account)
  1. pc
  2. working internet connection
  1. open chrome browser in pc
  2. copy and paste the link( in the search bar and hit enter 
  3. you will get

  4. click Add to Chrome
  5. you're done
  6. Now we are going to do the same thing for linkedin sales navigator
  7. copy and paste the link(
  8. click Add to Chrome for the extension that is offered by LINKEDIN
  9. you're done.

note:linkedin sales navigator only works in gmail 


using name2email extension only:

  1. Head over to gmail.
  2. Click compose icon on the gmail.
  3. You'll get 
  4. In the TO: bar type the first name (space) last name (space) @ (space) of the victim                                        first name : first name of victim
    last name : initail (or) father name (or) husband name of victim
    organisation : if the victim is working in a company  type company name (or) simply type  
  5. You can also include numbers,underscore,etc, if you believe that the victim's gmail account has such things                           
  6. As soon as you type those things you will get pop up of all possible gmail account with that.
  7. Hover your mouse over the list of gmail account shown you'll get the profile photo of victim in most cases.
for example:
my victim
first name : padmanabhan 
last name : sivashanmugam
organisation :
then I'll get the following results


The possibility of getting gmail account will increase more if your victim has a linkedin account.Now we are going to harness the power of linkedin sales navigator.

using both name2email and linkedin sales navigator extensions:

  1. To do that first you need to login with your linkedin account,if you don't have it register with linkedin and then login.
  2. Now follow the procedure we did for name2email,when you hover your mouse over the gmail account that was popped out you can see that sales navigator will show the linkedin account linked with that gmail account

  3. You got it!!!!

Places where this method can't help:

  1. If you don't know your victim firstname and lastname.
  2. Victim has gmail account that has different format Example:with numbers,underscore,pen name,etc,.,( that you can't predict.